Saturday, August 8, 2015

...and, we're back!

Well, two months have passed now and I'm finally feeling somewhat motivated to write again. Obviously a lot has happened in eight weeks, so bear with me through this mini novella that contains some highlights of life around here! There are also going to be a lot of photos, because that's the only way I can actually recall all that has taken place.

June brought the end of another school year and saying goodbye to a great group of kiddos. I felt strange not being there for the last part of the year, so it was nice to be able to go back and celebrate with them as they bid farewell to elementary school. We rang in DM's 60th birthday with a girls spa day here, which was so fun and relaxing. There was also Father's Day, which we spent at Nats Park, and then the four-legged member of our family turned two. Lots to celebrate all around!

July was a long, hot (!!) month that kept us busy with visits to and from friends and family. We spent some time at the pool with Aunt Marylea, got to visit Easton and Sarah in Cville one more time before they moved, and Mere came down for a special visit that included going to the Taylor Swift concert! Hands down one of the best.nights.ever. I saw a quote that said something along the lines of, "There are two types of people in this world: those that love Taylor Swift and those that are liars", ha!
At the end of the month, CP and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary by going to see The Book of Mormon at The Kennedy Center.

And now it's August! I'm not going to lie - some days it feels like Groundhog Day around here and I'm really itching for a vacation. Fortunately, we're off to Rehoboth soon for a week at the beach. I'm already dreaming of croissants on the beach in the morning, Grotto pizza for lunch, and peach milkshakes on the boardwalk at night (what can I say, food is my love language!). Life as we know it is going to get turned on its head soon as the beginning of the school year approaches, so we'll continue to soak up these last few weeks of summer while they last.

I have a few post ideas brewing, so hopefully I'll be back on here with a little more frequency. I hope that you all are having a fantastic summer! I spotted back to school supplies and Halloween costumes while I was out last weekend and was on the verge of tears. #toosoon

1 comment:

  1. Love all the the photos! Excited to see an update here, too. Xoxo
