Saturday, April 18, 2015

Round Up

I want to share a post about life with a newborn soon, but it might be awhile so in the meantime - a roundup!

Deals at Whole Foods- I'd heard a few months ago that Whole Foods is trying to make their price points more competitive. Here's a list of some items that are generally cheaper than other grocery stores.

The Impact of a Positive Response via Cupcakes and Cashmere- A really good reminder that while it's important to be honest with yourself about how you're feeling, stress can be viral!

Blame it on the hormones, but this article had some tears flowing (let's be honest- they would be flowing regardless). Some favorite quotes:

"It’s always seemed to me that being in a relationship is, in large part, about bearing witness. You take a front-­row seat to your partner’s daily trials and triumphs and they do the same for you. And then at the end of your life at least one person knows what you went through — ­how often you struggled, how hard you tried and how much goodness you created."

"One of the practices Orbuch promotes most fervently is what she calls the “10-minute rule”: For 10 minutes each day, couples should “talk about something other than work, family, who does what around the house or your relationship.” The goal is “to always really understand your partner.” To not lose sight of their goals and dreams and passions — ­the things that probably drew you to them in the first place. As you share breakfast in the morning or wind down before bed, the rule offers a chance to talk about your partner’s wish list of vacation destinations or about a book they’re reading. Anything that allows you to stop and connect and not just feel like business partners trying to make your way through a packed agenda. Ten minutes of conversation. That’s nothing. And it’s not hard. It just requires us to briefly pause and see — ­really see — ­the person with whom we’re sharing a life."

Ultimate Unbaked Brownies- I made these this past week to grab on the go when my sweet tooth has a hankering, and oh my gosh are they good. I didn't expect them to pack such a chocolaty punch, but they do!

Apparently jelly sandals are back?  Not sure how I feel about them, although I do love the colors.

This video had me in stitches!!  Tweens commenting on their favorite slang word (please notice some of the attire, too!). As a sixth grade teacher, I very much appreciate this :)

Happy weekend! Hopefully it's just as sunny and beautiful where you are as it is here!

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