Goteborg lives and breathes Volvo- as we discovered first thing at their airport!
Old school Volvo at the factory
Port City
The renowned cinnamon bun that was larger than our faces lived up to the hype
The herring on the other hand? Ehh.
Pastries galooooore. The chocolate balls rolled in coconut were all over the place and I made it my mission to try one at every bakery that had them. Only fair, right?
The old central post office was transformed into a swanky hotel that's in the heart of the city (so many bikes everywhere!)
I was pleasantly shocked at how many BEES were all over the city! They love their flowers and gardens.
One of the many garden mazes throughout the city
Mere just wrote a guide to Oahu, and we always get giddy when we find Bubbies' mochi ice cream off of the island. You can only imagine my delight when I came across it in Goteborg!
A tricked out racing Volvo
There's a reason why they're the safest cars out there
My mom with her new Volvo- I'm jealous!
We sipped homemade lemonade at an enchanting garden cafe when we visited the archipelago islands, which are about thirty minutes outside the city by the bus and then the ferry
The bluest of blue skies
I guess CP and I will be next on the list to get a new Volvo and head back, right?! Ha ha ha....
Loved seeing more of your trip photos! Make sure you take a bunch out west too, please!