Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

There are a lot of reasons why Meredith is my closest friend. On top of having an incredibly loving and compassionate heart, she also tends to know me better than I know myself. About a month ago, without any trepidation or hesitance in her voice, she asked me how we were going to celebrate my dad for Father's Day. Even though my dad has passed away, she knew that- despite the fact that I had shoved the mere thought of Father's Day to a black hole in my head- it was still important for me (and us) to honor him.

And so, after a marathon day of standing in for my dad and watching CP battle it out in three extra inning playoff games of wiffleball (they won the series!), Meredith and I capped off the evening with one another celebrating John Micocci. Mere had the brilliant idea to send some balloons up to my dad, so we each picked up a blue and an orange balloon since we knew that my dad would be cheering on the 'Hoos in the College World Series. As we sat outside on our front porches hundreds of miles away from each other, I read a passage from my dad's favorite book, Winter's Tale. I made it about three quarters of the way through before we both started crying big fat alligator tears, and as we sent the balloons up to my dad with tears that held precious memories rolling down our faces, it was both a painful and beautiful moment - and without a doubt one that I will never forget. 

I hope that all of the incredible fathers out there had a memorable Father's Day. I thank my lucky stars that I have a dad that I can remember and honor with such love and admiration. 

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your dad!!

  2. I love this post.....and you know your dad loved how you and your best friend celebrated him!!

  3. Beyond thankful we could do this together! Xoxo
